We need the following from you in order to successfully on-board you into Montclair State’s Workday HR management system:
I9: I-9 Processing is required by federal law to verify the identity and employment eligibility of all persons hired to work in the United States, and must be completed in-person in Human Resources (Overlook Corporate Center, 150 Clove Road, 3rd Floor Little Falls, NJ 07424) for all new hires. Please note that anyone who is neither a U.S. citizen nor a permanent resident (Green Card holder) must first contact Aditi Patel in the Office of International Engagement (patela@huakangbook.com or 973-655-6862) prior to going to Human Resources.
Direct Deposit (sign up via NEST; click here for more info).
The below information should be sent to the department admin at smithcr@huakangbook.com:
- Your resume.
- Two letters of reference.
- Official transcript from the institution from which you have earned (an MA or higher) degree.
- Voluntary Self-Identification form.
W-4 tax forms (federal and state) will be filled out electronically via Workday. Check your to-do items in your Workday inbox.
More information on the new hire experience at Montclair State can be found on the New Employee Checklist page.
The University requires all faculty who are paid via Payroll Services to enroll in Direct Deposit. Please bring a blank check to HR when submitting the direct deposit form. Once paperwork is submitted, employees are paid bi-weekly on Fridays. Depending on the pay period, a partial payment may be given to you, followed by a supplementary check the next week to catch you up with the regular payment schedule.
Once you are on-boarded, setting up your NetID and e-mail account are the first steps in gaining access to web-based systems available to instructors, e.g. Canvas, Banner, etc. In order to obtain a NetID, all paperwork must be given to the department program assistant, who will submit to HR for review. If all paperwork is in order, the appointee’s birth date is input into the system to establish an email account. The appointee can then visit the NetID link and follow the instructions provided to generate a NetID. From there, you will be able to access email via Gmail.
Montclair State University ID Card
Faculty and staff are able to get an ID card processed 24-48 hours after a CWID # has been generated. Visit the ID office page for more information.
A virtual permit is attached to a vehicle by the vehicle’s license plate number and must be renewed yearly. All parking permits are virtual – there is no decal or hang tag to display. Register your vehicle online when you purchase your permit.
NEST is the student information portal, standing for Network Engagement and Student Transactions, through which professors may access SSB (Self-Service Banner; for more information please see below). For best user experience with NEST, use one of the following browsers: IE, Firefox or Safari (Chrome and Microsoft Edge are not supported). Log on to NEST here.
SSB (Self-Service Banner) is the student information system housed in the NEST portal. Here you can view class rosters, course schedules, and classroom assignments. Rooms may change up to the start date of classes so it’s recommended you check back regularly. Final grades will also be entered via SSB. A a how-to guide can be found here.
We use a course management system called Canvas. After entering your netID and password, you will see your courses and can upload the syllabus, etc. Training is also available.
Student Evaluations
Student evaluations are distributed to the students in your class through Canvas. Electronic reporting of the student evaluations is sent to your department chair several months after the end of the course. You may obtain these evaluations from your department office.
Final Grades
The date of the submission of the final grades will be posted on the Registrar’s homepage. If the grades are not recorded on time, the students risk receiving an F in the course and the instructor is required to fill out a change of grade form for each student.
Instructors are expected to adhere to copyright regulations when using department copying facilities.
WLNC faculty in Schmitt Hall cannot connect personal computers directly to the University print server environment, but can print from the PCs and Macs located in the adjunct suite (CS225). You can then release your print job at the printer in CS225 using your University ID card.
Being Observed
Adjunct professors are observed in their teaching once a year, either by the chair of the department or a designated representative. You will be notified of the observation and asked for appropriate times for the observation. It is helpful if you provide an outline of the class to the observer beforehand or when they enter the class.