Yogi Berra Stadium Gets a Lighting Upgrade
Posted in: Sustainability

As part of the larger renovation project taking place at the Yogi Berra Stadium, a lighting retrofit will make a significant impact on our environmental footprint.
The original field lighting at the stadium consisted of 204 metal-halide* fixtures which used approximately 296,820 kWh of electricity per year. The new lights are LEDs that will only use 143,560 kWh of electricity. That’s an energy reduction of nearly 52% and a projected annual savings of almost $25,000!
The 153,260 kWh of electricity saved is equal to almost 240,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide emissions. For perspective, that savings is the same as removing 23 cars from the road or the amount of carbon dioxide removed by 129 acres of forest.
Additionally, the conversion has significantly improved the field lighting from its existing conditions. Light levels in the infield increased on average from 65 lumens to 100 lumens and in the outfield from 45 lumens to 70 lumens. This meets broadcasting standards that will allow games played at Yogi Berra Stadium to be televised on ESPN and other national networks.
The project was managed by the office of Capital Planning & Project Management with the contractor Big Shine Energy.

This relates directly to the Facilities Sustainability Plan Goal 01-3: Reduce campus-wide energy use intensity.
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